Property insurance

Auto-access insurance

The object and subject of insurance

The property interest of the Insured associated with contingent expenses and loss in consequence of occurrence of an insured event as a result of possession, use and disposal of insured motor vehicle shall be the insurance object.

The subject matter of insurance shall be a motor vehicle owned by the Insured on the right of ownership or otherwise driven by internal combustion engine (including mopeds, motorcycles, any tractors and any self-propelled motor vehicles) as well as trailers, semitrailers registered with highway patrol agency or other relevant authorities.

Insurance agreement shall be concluded with persons who have reached the age of:

  1. in respect of motorcycles – not less younger than 16 years old;
  2. in respect of other types of transport – not younger than 18 years old.
Виды страхования


In accordance with conditions of this Program the insured amount under an insurance agreement shall be KZT 70,000 (seventy thousand tenge).

The insurance premium shall be KZT 2,000 (two thousand tenge).

The insurance premium shall be paid as a lump sum when signing an insurance agreement and by cash.


In accordance with this Program the insured event shall be taken to mean a destruction, damage or loss of insured motor vehicle as a result of a road traffic accident (further – RTI).

If an insured event occurs the Insured shall undertake:

  1. to use all possible efforts to reduce a loss of insured event including efforts to rescue a motor vehicle;
  2. immediately but not later than 3 business days upon detection of damage to notify in written the Insurer. If for a valid reason the Insured had no an opportunity to notify of insured event on a timely basis the Insured should give documentary evidence;
  3. immediately to notify of an incident and register it with relevant authorities and organizations;
  4. to provide a representative of the Insurer with an access to inspect or survey a damaged motor vehicle, investigate the reasons and assess amount of damage, participate in efforts to reduce damage;
  5. not to restore a damaged motor vehicle without written consent of the Insurer;
  6. not to commit actions against the interests of the Insurer and not to assume any obligations, not to recognize, not to accept any offers, not to make any payments or not to promise to make any payments related to such insured event, without prior written consent of the Insurer, except for the actions related to organization of rescue operations as well as damage reduction;
  7. to submit a written application in the form determined by the Insurer of occurrence of insured event indicating the circumstances of damage as well as all the documents requested by the Insurer that are required to investigate the reasons of insured event and fix an amount of damage.

Insurance rates
