Property insurance

Auto-option insurance

The object and subject of insurance

The property interest of the Insured associated with contingent expenses and loss in consequence of occurrence of an insured event as a result of possession, use and disposal of insured motor vehicle shall be the insurance object.

The subject matter of insurance shall be a motor vehicle owned by the Insured on the right of ownership or otherwise driven by internal combustion engine (including mopeds, motorcycles, any tractors and any self-propelled motor vehicles) as well as trailers, semitrailers registered with highway patrol agency or other relevant authorities.

Insurance agreement shall be concluded with persons who have reached the age of:

  1. in respect of motorcycles – not less than 16 years old;
  2. in respect of other types of transport – not younger than 18 years old.
Виды страхования


In accordance with conditions of this Program the insured amount under an insurance agreement shall be KZT 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand tenge).

The insurance premium shall be KZT 10,000 (ten thousand tenge).

The insurance premium shall be paid by the Insured as a lump sum by cash within 2 (two) days upon signing an insurance agreement.


In accordance with this Program the insured event shall be taken to mean a destruction, damage or loss of insured motor vehicle as a result of a road traffic accident (further – RTI) and fall of various items on the insured motor vehicle namely: snow, ice, trees and branches, parts of buildings/structures, items thrown from windows or other openings of buildings.

Insurance rates
