<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Civil-legal liability of owners of facilities, the activity of which is related to danger of causing harm to the third parties

Hazardous facilities

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Hazardous facilities

Compulsory insurance of civil-legal liability of owners of facilities, the activity of which is related to danger of causing harm to the third parties, is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On compulsory insurance of civil-legal liability of owners of facilities, the activity of which is related to danger of causing harm to the third parties”.

Insurance facility of the compulsory civil-legal liability of owners of hazardous facilities includes the property interest of owner related to its obligation, established by the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to reimburse harm caused to life, health and (or) property of the third parties by hazardous industrial factor.

Operation of a facility, the activity of which is related to danger of causing harm to the third parties, without conclusion of an agreement of compulsory civil-legal liability of owners of facilities, the activity of which is related to danger of causing harm to the third parties, is prohibited.

Insurance agreement is concluded for 12 months.


Hazardous facilities

Calculate the cost of insurance and complete an application in a few minutes

Insurance events

Insurance event under an agreement of compulsory facility owner’s liability insurance shall be the fact of occurrence of civil-legal liability of insured (insured person) for reimbursement of harm caused to life, health and (or) property of the third party by hazardous industrial factor.

Insurance premium

Amount of insurance premium is established by agreement of the parties within the limits from 0.72% to 2.02% of insurance amount

Insurance amount is established in the following amounts:

Insurance amount

Maximum possible quantity of affected persons is

600 000 MCI

Over 4 000 persons

350 000 MCI

From 2 000 to 4 000 persons

225 000 MCI

From 1 500 to 2 000 persons

115 000 MCI

From 750 to 1 500 persons

50 000 MCI

From 300 to 750 persons

30 000 MCI

From 150 to 300 persons

12 000 MCI

From 75 to 150 persons

5 000 MCI

From 10 to 75 persons

1 000 MCI

Up to 10 persons


Agreement of compulsory insurance civil-legal liability of owners of facilities, the activity of which is related to danger of causing harm to the third parties does not provide for the deductible

Insurance payment for harm caused to life and health of each third party is made in the following amounts:

1) in case of death — 1 000 MCI;
2) in case of disability establishment: group I — 800 MCI; group II — 600 MCI; group III — 500 MCI; disabled child — 500 MCI;
3) in case of mutilation, trauma or other health damage without establishing disability — in the amount of actual expenses for outpatient and (or) inpatient treatment, but not more than 300 MCI. At the same time, amount of insurance payment for each day of inpatient treatment shall not be less than 2 MCI.

Amount of harm caused in case of property damage is determined on the basis of calculation of cost of its restoration taking into account depreciation of property that took place before occurrence of an insurance event.

Insurance payment is made by Insurer not later than 30 business days from the day of receipt of all required documents.
