Property insurance

“My House” voluntary immovable
property insurance program

The object and subject of insurance

“My House” voluntary immovable property insurance program in personal use of legal entities and individuals.

The insurance hereunder shall cover the property interests of an Insured related to possession, use, disposal of immovable property specified in Insurance Agreement as well as unforeseen expenses that may arise upon occurrence of insurance event specified in the Program.

The subject of Insurance Agreement shall be insurance of immovable property owned by legal entities and/or individuals (roof, walls, ceiling, windows, doors, interior decoration of premises, floor etc.) that has been damaged upon occurrence of insurance event specified in this Program.

The following items shall not be insured:

  • immovable property removed from housing stock (offices, stores etc.);
  • immovable property that is in temporary use of residents;
  • reed-frame, adobe, dilapidated buildings with service life of more than 80 years.

In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Program, any movable property located within the insurance territory shall not be the subject of insurance.

Non-residential buildings (sheds, garages, summer kitchens, gazebos etc.) located within the yard territory may be accepted for insurance for separate insurance premiums.

Виды страхования


In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Program, insurance amount (in tenge) under Insurance Agreement shall be determined by mutual consent of the parties in amounts demonstrated in the table below. Amount of insurance premium (in tenge) payable under Insurance Agreement, taking into account the insurance amount, shall be determined according to the following table:

For residential property (KZT)

For nonresidential premises (KZT)

700 000900 0002 000 000500 000


7 0009 00020 0005 000

Insurance premium shall be paid as a lump sum in cash at the moment of signing the Insurance Agreement.


In accordance with this Program, insurance event shall be deemed a loss, damage or destruction of insured immovable property as a result of occurrence of an event determined by certain Insurance Agreement or a set of events (insured risks). Event shall be recognized as insurance event if loss, damage or destruction of insured immovable property has occurred during period of validity of Insurance Agreement and within the agreed insurance territory.

Damage or destruction of insured immovable property shall be an insurance event as a result of the following events:

  • fire, lightning strike, explosion;
  • natural disasters: flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, underground fire, land subsidence, landslide, rockfall, snow pressure, avalanche, hurricane (storm), whirlwind, tornado, mudflow, subsurface water etc.;
  • water inundation;
  • vehicle collision;
  • falling on insured property of manned aircrafts, their debris or items and cargo from them;
  • falling of trees and other items;

unlawful actions of the third parties: theft, robbery, attack, willful destruction (damage) of property by the third parties, hooliganism.

Insurance rates
