Financial insurance

Voluntary aircraft insurance (AERO CASCO)

The voluntary aircraft insurance (AERO CASCO) involves indemnity to the Insured for loss, destruction, or damage to aircraft (glider),helicopter (gliders), aircraft and helicopter engines, spare and replacement parts, as well as special equipment resulting from the insured event (insured risk) specified by the contract.

Виды страхования

Insurance risks

  • air accident, incident or any event classified otherwise;
  • fire, earthquake, storm, flood or other natural disaster;
  • skyjacking (not theft) or loss of the object of insurance;
  • unintentional, except skyjacking, actions of third parties causing loss, destruction or damage to objects of insurance and taking place in the validity period of contract of insurance.

Insurance premium

The insurance premium is determined based on the size of insured sum and tariff rates. The insurance premium depends on the object of insurance and nature of insurance risk.

Aircraft insurance tariff rates (AERO CASCO)

Name of risk group (type)Tariff rate (in %%)Tariff rate (in %%)Tariff rate (in %%)
Name of risk group (type)Minimum rateBase rateMaximum rate
Class I–III aircraftsClass I–III aircraftsClass I–III aircraftsClass I–III aircrafts
Full package0,81,414,582
Air accident, incident or any event classified otherwise0,2640,4651,511
Fire, natural disasters0,1360,240,78
Skyjacking (not theft) or loss of the object of insurance0,2640,4651,511
Unintentional, except skyjacking, acts of third parties causing loss, destruction or damage to objects of insurance0,1360,240,78
Class IV aircraftsClass IV aircraftsClass IV aircraftsClass IV aircrafts
Full package1,733,059,92
Air accident, incident or any event classified otherwise0,5711,0063,27
Fire, natural disasters0,2940,5191,69
Skyjacking (not theft) or loss of the object of insurance0,5711,0063,27
Unintentional, except skyjacking, acts of third parties causing loss, destruction or damage to objects of insurance0,2940,5191,69
Full package1,52,5848,38
Air accident, incident or any event classified otherwise0,50,8532,77
Fire, natural disasters0,250,4391,42
Skyjacking (not theft) or loss of the object of insurance0,50,8532,77
Unintentional, except skyjacking, acts of third parties causing loss, destruction or damage to objects of insurance0,250,4391,42

In pursuance with the “Basic Flight Rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 17, 2003, No. 712, subject to the maximum (certified) takeoff weight and equipment, aircrafts can be divided into classes:

Class Maximum takeoff weight (in tons)
175 and greater
4below 10


Insurance contract specifies a deductible, which type and amount are determined by the agreement between the Parties and set either a percentage of the insured sum, or in absolute terms.

Insurance rates
