Personal insurance

Voluntary civil liability insurance

The voluntary civil liability insurance involves indemnity to third parties (Beneficiaries) for damage to life, health or property of third parties (Beneficiaries) as a result of professional or other activity by the Insured. As part of the product, the Insured has the right to execute a contract of other civil liability:

  1. insurance of civil liability for the environmental damage;
  2. insurance of civil liability for the obligations arising from contracts (liability for failure to fulfill obligations under the contract);
  3. insurance of civil liability for the provision of professional services (works);
  4. insurance of the employer’s civil liability for injury or disease to the employee;
  5. insurance of civil liability for products (services) quality;
  6. insurance of civil liability of the show organizers;
  7. insurance of civil liability for the obligations to customs and tax authorities.
Виды страхования

Insurance risks

  1. damage to life, health and (or) property of third parties;
  2. environmental damage;
  3. damage arising from the failure (improper performance) of obligations under the civil contract;
  4. damage to life and health of employees in the performance of their labor (official) duties;
  5. damage resulting from the use (consumption) of products (goods and services) produced (sold) by the manufacturer or seller;
  6. damage to property of clients (patients, etc.) as a result of inadvertent and unintentional actions of the Insured (Policyholder) taken during the performance of official duties;
  7. failed (inadequate) performance of obligations by the Insured (Policyholder) to government agencies (customs, tax, etc.), and the related obligation to pay due fees (taxes, fees) in the amount of outstanding obligations;
  8. damage to life, health or property of third parties as a result of unintentional actions of the Insured in the organization of entertainment.

Insured sum

The insured sum is agreed in the contract of insurance by the Parties.

Insurance premium

The insurance premium is determined based on the size of insured sum and the tariff rate.

Tariff rates

Name of risk group (type) and risk factorsMinimum rate, %Base rate, %Maximum rate, %
Voluntary insurance of civil liability of legal entities and individuals for damage to life, health and property of third parties (full package)0,2821,478,82
Damage to life and/or health of third parties0,0630,331,98
Damage to property of individuals or legal entities (property damage)0,1460,764,56
Environmental damage0,0730,382,28


Insurance contract specifies a deductible, which type and amount are determined by the agreement between the Parties, and set either a percentage of the insured sum, or in absolute terms. If more than one insured event occurs, deductible is deducted from each of them.

Insurance rates
