СК Виктория

“Victoria” Insurance Company”

“Victoria” Insurance Company” has been providing insurance services in Kazakhstan since 1993. The current license entitles to carry out insurance and reinsurance activities on 17 types of voluntary insurance and 5 types of compulsory insurance. The Company is in the category of property (non-life) insurance companies.

“Victoria” Insurance Company” JSC is a participant of the Pool on insurance of property interests of lessees (insureds) of Industry Development Fund JSC.


Reliability: “Victoria” Insurance Company” has been operating in the insurance sector since 1993. During its business period, the Company has ensured dynamic growth and strengthening of its positions in the insurance market. The Company meets all requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning financial stability, program, information and technical support.

Quality: The quality management system of compliance with the international standard ISO 9001:2016 launched by “Victoria” Insurance Company” enables to state and constantly maintain a high level of quality of service for insureds.

Availability: “Victoria” Insurance Company” with its extensive regional network provides insurance services for all segments of population and all types of legal entities, in all regions of Kazakhstan.

Transparency: “Victoria” Insurance Company” on a regular basis submits financial statements to the Authorized body for regulation and development of the financial market, tax authorities; on an annual basis publishes financial statements in mass media. The Company is open for cooperation with mass media representatives, regularly publishes its business results and comments on events in the insurance market.

Openness: “Victoria” IC” JSC is focused on the needs and expectations of its insureds: on a regular basis explains the rights and obligations of insurance market participants with the help of information; promptly responds to insureds’ questions; provides active assistance to insureds in resolving their difficulties in insurance issues.

Progressiveness: With a view to improve the quality and efficiency of provided services “Victoria” IC” JSC is constantly updating its software and hardware complex. With its unique historical experience, the Company acts as an active participant in improvement of the insurance system of Kazakhstan as a whole.

Information on participation in associations (unions), associations of insurance (reinsurance) organizations and insurance brokers

1. Insurance Payment Guarantee Fund — from 10/18/2003.
Address: 480091, Almaty, st. Ryskulbekova, d. 28, bldg. 7, residential complex “Bai Tal”

2. Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan – since June 27, 2003
Address: 050040, Almaty, st. Bayzakova, 280

Participation in pools

  1. Agreement on the general conditions for organizing co-insurance (joint activities) with JSC IC Basel, JSC IC Kazakhmys, JSC IC Victoria, JSC Subsidiary of the People’s Bank of Kazakhstan IC Halyk No. 527 dated 01/20/2021